Monday, December 21, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009

No War

Oil on Canvas, 3'x4',dec. 09

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Rolwing now represented by Paul Henry Gallery

Rolwing is still represented in Chicago by Las Manos Gallery, but is represented in Ind. by Paul Henry Gallery

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Outsider

I have always operated outside the traditional art market-happily showing my work in 'Off_Broadway'  venues.  This has given me the freedom to do what I want without the concerns of maintaining the same old work that sells, without a concern about chance taking and what is new.  I do not paint for critics, art historians, and blue chip galleries, where the new directions in my work has brought on concerns for the easy sell.  Collectors tend to like to see an artist do the same work in slight variation.  But I am always pushing, and that is not always been conducive to marketing.  I care abut on thing, the art, and other contemporary artists.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Don't forget that my work is being featured at Los Manos Galley Nov. through Dec.

Friday, October 23, 2009

In the suburbs

I miss the vitality of the city, and wonder how my present situation will color my new work. Bomb the suburbs!  And I hate crickets!  I have been painting a jot but art supplies are very expensive so I hope I have some sales to reinvest in canvas, paint and brushes.  I am only as happy as my work is going.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Branch, 2009

The latest from the studio

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Architect, oil on board, 3x4'
Packing for the move-guess I'll be moving some wet paintings.
To keep up with Las Manos Gallery, check out the blog:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

It doesn't mean anything, it just is.
Dog Balloon, oil on canvas, 6' x 7'
I feel stitched up from remnants


Las Manos Blog
The work in the studio is going very well right now- I must be in mild manic stage
Watercolor on paper, 2008, 9x13"

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Big Pants, in the studio, 2009, oil on canvas, 3' x 4'
Perhaps it is the fact that I am a fool that propels my art in the face of current fashion.
The foolishness of war drives me to paint foolish paintings.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The viewing of a painting is like nothing else.  It  is a singular event, as it all happens at once and has no basis in linear experience, nothing happens in a timeline.  Art is an object that we view as an experience in itself, and it's meaning is a discovering of what is presented.  My paintings offer clues but the response is decided by what history the viewer brings to the piece, as the meaning may have as many interpretations as there are viewers.  My work only raises questions.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Oil on Canvas, 2009, 4' x 6'
Art making for me is a very solitary endeavor- It is a lot of time spent with personal demons.  These are exorcised in the making of the piece-and reflect my personal state of mind over the length of time it takes to create the piece.  I have battled bi-polar disorder for most of my life, and this work is the result.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Without painting my life would be ridiculous.
This a tryptic in 3 panels- it is 3' x 12', oil on canvas. 2009, still wet
When I'm asked what it takes to become an artist, my first response is tenacity.  The ability to continue making art no matter the rejection, of which there is plenty.  Just keep working and working a lot.  To paraphrase Vonnegut, if you do anything long enough, you get better at it.
Do your homework, woodshed, and get it out there.  I paint 6 to twelve hours everyday, even though I have a full-time day job. Work work and work!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Big Pants, 2009, Oil on Canvas, studio view